I am Pastor Sarah Schilcher, the pastor at Gloria Dei Lutheran Church in Butte, and I stand up for harmony in our community.
Let us pray.
God of all people
We give you thanks for all of the people gathered here this evening to work towards living in harmony with all of your people in all aspects of our lives. We ask that you bless all those present who work towards this harmony, especially the public servants who are present as representatives of Law Enforcement, the Fire Department, the Volunteer Fire Departments, and Search and Rescue. Bless their work as they serve this community and keep us safe.
We give thanks for all the first responders who gave their lives in an effort to save the lives of others on September, 11th, 2001. We ask that you bring comfort and peace to their family and friends who grieve their loss. Remind us of the evil which thrives when we choose not to live in harmony with one another, and encourage our hearts to live in service to you through our relationship with those you have placed in our lives.
We pray these things, knowing that you are stronger and more powerful than the lines which divide us, and that only you can give this community a true sense of harmony and peace.
My name is Kim Doney-Boyle. I am Chippewa-Cree and a registered member of the Little Shell of Montana. I stand for Harmony in our Community.
“The Earth does not belong to us, we belong to the Earth”
(Chief Seattle)
To live in Harmony with the Earth we must first understand that the Earth does not need us, we need the Earth.
The Earth is Our Mother, she is not a resource for us to take, but is the source of our survival. It is our responsibility to live a Life that fosters Harmony, Balance and Respect with the Earth and all of Creation.
By living in Harmony we are constantly aware that every thing in creation has a Purpose. Every human, every animal, insect, plant, tree and rock.
We are all interconnected and interdependent. One is not Superior to another.
All Life is Sacred
We ask permission before we cut a tree or a plant, or before we take the Life of an animal.
We say “Thank You” to all of these things for giving their Life, so we may have nourishment to continue our Life.
When we show Respect and Gratitude – We live in Harmony.
The Sacred Medicine Wheel teaches us Harmony, Balance, Respect, Love and Connection to all of Creation.
The Spirit or the “Life Force” of the Creator, dwells in all of Creation.
When we Honor that, we feel our Connection to the Earth and to all life forms.
This is living in Harmony with the Earth.
“Mitakuge Oyasin “I
(All my relations)
Good evening, I am Sheriff Ed Lester and I stand for harmony in our community.
I know this event is not (all) dedicated to the attacks that occurred in our country 18 years ago tonight, but please take a moment of silence for all of the victims of 9/11and all of the lives that were changed on that fateful day. Thank you.
By your presence here tonight, I believe that all of you stand for harmony in our community.
Now what is it that we are prepared to do when we leave this event and go out to promote harmony. It’s a pretty good question isn’t it?
We can start by realizing that just because someone doesn’t agree with us on a particula issue, that person doesn’t need to be perceived as our enemy.
Too often when we look at issues, we immediately take a stand and think that anyone who sees things a little differently, well … they are just wrong . .. and no matter how many times we explain it to them, they just refuse to see that if they just agreed with us it would be a lot simpler?
Has anyone here ever made a quick decision based on minimal information …and then come to ·the realization that you were absolutely wrong? I have done this on a number of occasions throughout my life. As I get older, it happens a lot less that it used to, but it still happens. If we look back, I think we have all been there at some point.
So one thing we can do to promote harmony in our community is to listen. You may never change your mind, but at least the other person can say that you listened to them before you made your decision.
The second thing we can do to promote harmony, is to become educated about issues in our community. When someone asks you about an issue our community faces, it is OK to say, “You know, I really don’t know enough about that to comment, what do you think?” Now you have started a conversation that could lead to something good.
37 years ago, I wasn’t listening in Geometry class, and I didn’t take the opportunity to educate myself ... in the end, it led to trouble.
Story about Brother Ryan and Geometry and the Pythagorean Theory.
If we listen and take the opportunity to educate ourselves, it could keep us out of trouble and it may very well make you better equipped to promote harmony in our community!
Thank you for allowing me to speak to you tonight!
Good Evening, I a m Jeff Miller, the B-SB Director of Fire Services and I stand up for harmony in our community and would like to invite any other firefighters who are present here tonight to stand up and be recognized.
It is my belief that the public safety agencies in Butte-Silver Bow do everything in their power to promote harmony within the community on a daily basis through all of their actions and assigned and unassigned duties.
I recently read an interesting article written by an individual who expressed the desire to return to September 12, 2001, Yes, a desire to return to September 12 – why you may ask yourself – It was clearly evident on that day and the weeks following the attacks of 09/11, the nation as a whole came together and there was a sense of not only resolve, but harmony. Partisan dividing lines disappeared, old glory appeared virtually everywhere, neighbors stood hand in hand and wept and supported each other. People were just generally nicer to one another as a direct result of a horrific group of acts.
We should all take a cue from this eighteen years later and do our best to promote harmony in our personal and professional lives. Small acts of kindness and support go a long way.
Most Americans view first responders as risking life and limb, charging into burning structures as on 09/11, or law enforcement officers engaged in a firefight with armed suspects, or EMS personnel treating a critically ill patient. While this in part is accurate, there are many more acts far more mundane, but no less important that first responders in our community perform every day.
Harmony with our Butte-Silver Bow Fire Department – Fire Chief Jeff Miller
Celebration Of Harmony In Our Community – 911 Day Of Service and Remembrance
To All,
My name is Ed Fisher and I am the Chief of the Boulevard Volunteer Fire Department.
I have been a volunteer for 44 years and a Vietnam Vet. I am President of the Silver Bow Fire Council which consists of 10 other volunteer fire departments including Walkerville.
These fire departments were organized as far back as the early 1900’s (Boulevard 1906) I don’t know if the neighborhoods were named after the fire departments or the fire departments were named after the neighborhoods which ever there was always a lot of harmony.
There has always been things happening around volunteer fire departments such as picnic’s Christmas and other parties almost for any thing that came up in a neighborhood. Neighborhoods would come together any time something was needed or an emergency that needed more help.
I stand and ask that everyone to remember, lots of help makes the job or task at hand a lot easier. Lots of people working together can do a much better job than just a few. Volunteer firefighters are always needed so if you have the time and interest go to your local volunteer station and ask to become a volunteer we will train you.
If you are not interested in the fire service ask them if they need help in the neighborhood we always have something that needs to be done. Our neighborhood (Boulevard) our neighbors all work together cleaning cutting the grass in parks, trimming trees or just picking up garbage. Let’s all work together to make Butte a safer and cleaner place to live.
Never forget this day (911) someone died for no reason. So let’s work together to demonstrate harmony for all.
Thank You and God bless the USA
Ed Fisher
Hi, I am Dr. Jim Hash. I am the secretary for 15-90 Search & Rescue and I stand up for Harmony In Our Community.
So everyone refers to 9-11 like, “never forget or always remember.“ Well, just like any other major traumatic event, whether it be a car accident, the death of a friend or relative, or a major medical diagnosis, trust me, you will not forget it. 9-11 was a day of death, dismay and destruction. Thousands of innocent workers and first responders died. And we couldn’t understand why. That memory was burned into our minds.
I can tell you exactly where I was and what I was doing on 9-11. You don‘t remember dates and times. But you do remember events. ·I was at my office treating a patient. As I was waiting for electro therapy to finish, I was standing in my back room watching the events unfold live on TV. I cannot stand in that room to this day without remembering those events like it was yesterday. So believe me when I say that I don’t need an event or a friendly reminder to remember “9-11.” To be honest, I would just as soon forget it. But I can’t.
Now 9-12, that’s a different story. 9-12 was a day of re-birth, a day of re-connecting and a day of recovery. 9-12 was a day of harmony. People walked across the street to talk to their neighbors. Some of them for the first time. Ever… It didn’t matter what political sign they had in their yard.
It didn’t matter what color their skin was. It didn’t matter what church they went to or what kind of vehicle they drove. It didn’t matter what they did for a living or how much money they made. People just talked with each other. They talked like they knew each other foryears. And it was good talk. Because the talk was about what united us, not what divided us. We were all just Americans on that day. We didn’t have any other sub-labels to divide us. It was the kind of talk that brings “Harmony” to a neighborhood.
So trust me, I will never forget 9-11, but what I really want to remember is the Harmony America had on 9-12.
I am Joel Graff. I am a father, a husband, a brother, a teacher, and a mentor. I stand up for harmony in our community.
During his inaugural address, John F. Kennedy famously stated, “Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country.” You can modify this idea by substituting other words for “country”. Because JFK was the newly elected president of the United States of America, it makes sense that he framed this idea to be about the relationship between each person and the country, but let’s try out some variations:
- Ask not what your family can do for you – ask what you can do for your family.
- Ask not what your neighbor can do for you – ask what you can do for your neighbor.
- Ask not what your community can do for you – ask what you can do for your community.
Tonight, I am addressing the concept of personal harmony, and while I was preparing my comments, it struck me that changing JFK’s quote to:
- “Ask not what you can do for yourself – ask what yourself can do for you” doesn’t make sense.
I would suggest that personal harmony can best be nurtured by pursuing worthwhile activities...especially if these activities benefit your family, your neighbors, your community, your nation.
An immediate question that might come to mind is: “How can you evaluate whether you are pursuing worthwhile activities?” Perhaps you can try answering some questions like:
- Who benefits from the way that you spend your time?
- Who benefits from the way that you spend your money?
- Who benefits from the organizations that you join and support?
In the evolution course that Iteach at Montana Tech, we describe these actions by an individual that benefit others in a population “altruism.” From a “survival of the fittest” point of view, doesn’t spending your time helping others decrease one’s chance of “success?” We don’t have time to get into the evolutionary theories that can explain altruism, but a Google search of “benefits of caring for others” quickly provided the following list:
- Helping others can help you live longer.
- Altruism is contagious.
- Helping others makes us happy.
- Helping others may help with chronic pain.
- Helping others lowers blood pressure.
- Helping others promotes positive behaviors in teens.
- Helping others give us a sense of purpose and satisfaction.
As we listen to the next few speakers discuss various forms of harmony, I expect to hear ideas that would not only improve harmony in our community, but also improve your own, personal harmony. Speaking of personal harmony, it’s time to turn things over to my better half. Thanks for listening to some of my thoughts and I hope you enjoy the rest of the evening’s presentations.
I’m Jill Graff. I’m the youth director at Aldersgate United Methodist Church, a wife, and a mother of four. And, I stand up for Harmony in Our Community.
I recently looked up the definition of “family” in the dictionary. The two definitions that seemed to relate to family as we are discussing this evening were: 1. a group of one or more parents and their children living together as a unit. 2. all the descendants of a common ancestor. These definitions suited me well when I was growing up. The “one or more parents” part threw me a little as everyone in my extended family had 2 parents and 2 children born to them, so how could a family only have 1 parent or more than 2 parents? But, as a kid, I could easily ignore that part. I could identify with the second definition as some of my ancestors were from the Netherlands and some distant relatives still live there – all of whom still look very similar to me and my family in the US.
However, as I got older and my world view expanded from “Leave it to Beaver” and my little bubble, I learned that those definitions do not cover what family is. Now, my immediate family consists of my husband and I, our 2 biological sons who look like us, and our adoptive daughter and son who look very different from us on the outside due to being born on the other side of the world. My extended family consists of in-laws, step parents, step siblings, adoptive siblings, same-sex marriages, single parents, friends from our church and community who stand in for our extended family who do not live nearby, my Aldersgate youth and their parents, and so many more. So, what does my current family mean to those definitions of family? Well, my family doesn’t really fit those definitions. So, I came up with a much more simplified definition of family: ‘
Family: A group of people who love and support each other unconditionally. To me, this means loving each other even if we don’t look the same. Loving each other even if we don’t share the same genes. Loving each other even if we were born in different countries. Loving each other even if we have different life styles. Loving each other even if we have different political or religious views. Loving each other even when we make mistakes. Loving each other even when we’ve hurt each other. For when we love each other unconditionally, we can live together acknowledging and celebrating our differences, and truly live in harmony.
I am Phillip Borup, the Executive Director of The Butte Family YMCA and I stand up for Harmony In Our Community.
Very few activities are more beautiful than the choreographed movement of dancers. Whether small or large groups performing tap, jazz, ballet, lyrical, contemporary, or country hoedown line dancing, the measured and coordinated motion of those involved brings harmony in the moment and enjoyment to all.
Your YMCA has been serving the Butte Community since 1907 and has vigorously worked to meet the growing needs of its citizens. This has been made possible only by the countless number of individuals giving of their time and resources including board members, program volunteers, and dedicated staff Their legacy exemplifies the kind of caring for one another needed to create a Harmony that flows through our community year after year.
Your YMCA continues its legacy by applying these principles through its programming.
We collaborated with and received invaluable support from the Kiwanis Club of Butte, Butte Silver Bow Parks & Recreation, United Way, Tucker Transportation, McGree Trucking, Three Bears Alaska, Safeway, Montana Resources and The Dennis & Phyllis Washington Foundation to operate a successful Summer Day Camp at Sunshine Camp that provided more than 12,000 camper days to local kids.
Your Y’s Fritz Apostel Dream Program, which gives all 3rd graders in our community 5 Yi hours of water safety instruction for the prevention of youth drownings only operates through resources provided by and teamwork with The Butte Ski Club Foundation, Butte School District, and all area Elementary Schools. More than 2,500 local children have participated and benefited from skills learned in this program.
Active Teens serves more than 1,100 local teens each year. Montana Resources, The Dennis & Phyllis Washington Foundation, our Community Investors Club, the Butte School District, and all area Elementary Schools make this program a reality. More than 3,500 local teens have participated and benefited from free membership and programs at the Y.
The Y is made up of people of all ages and from every walk of life working side by side to strengthen community. Together we work to ensure that everyone, regardless of ability, age, cultural background, ethnicity, faith, gender, gender identity, ideology, income, national origin, race or sexual orientation has the opportunity to reach their full potential with dignity. Our core values are caring, honesty, respect and responsibility-they guide everything we do.
My name is Keith Miller. I am the Principal at East Middle School here in Butte. It is my honor to stand up and represent our school and the Butte School District in showing our support for Harmony in our Community.
Former Secretary General of the United Nations, Kofi Annan, once said that “Knowledge is power. Information is liberating. Education is the premise of progress, in every society, in every family.” In our community’s ever continuing journey towards establishing and maintaining, the Butte School District is dedicated to be that tool;
It is the vision of the Butte School District to provide a progressive, educational environment in which each day, a student ca n achieve success in a safe, positive, supportive and orderly learning environment. Our district believes that students are valued as human beings and successful as learners. We also believe that all students will learn to become responsible partners in their education and contributing members of their community, as well as that cultural and social diversity a re our strengths.
At East Middle School, it is our mission to provide our students the academic, social, and physical skills needed to be well rounded and responsible citizens. We believe in a safe learning environment, embracing respect for others, as well as valuing and respecting individuals for their unique, intellectual, physical, and emotional qualities.
Last year, our community came together to pass a multimillion-dollar bond issue designed at remodeling our school and making improvements to our elementary schools that not only will make our schools more efficient, productive, and safe, but it will provide the foundation of building a learning environment that embraces, safety, contributory diversity, and harmony. We a re very thankful for the community’s support, confidence, and faith.
East Middle School’s efforts a re just a slice of the extraordinary efforts the Butte School District has developed and implemented in order to promote an environment of safety, respect, and harmony. From our School Board, and under the leadership of Superintendent Judy Jonart, building positive relationships and building harmony in our schools has always been a fundamental principle for making decisions and solving problems.
I remember September 11, 2001. I recall the solemnest of the times, but I also recall the resolve that emerged following those events. The resolve to; become better humans, to be better friends, to be a stronger community, as well to live in harmony. I am proud to stand up for and to be a part of a school system and community that embraces that resolve.
I am Charles Fligel, a Lay Pastoral Associate, a member of Gloria Dei Lutheran Church,
and I stand up for spiritual harmony in our community.
Why can’t we just get along? I have often thought about that when I consider all of the different religions and denominations that exist in the world.
Why can’t we just get along? It seems that whenever two groups from different types of religion get together to talk, the conversation always turns to what is different between them, and it goes downhill from there.
Apparently the first things we want to identify are our differences, rather than the things that we have in common. Almost all of the major religions in the world believe that there is one God, a supreme being, a creator of all things.
There are many names to call this God, but there is still just one God and this God is the same God for all. I remind you of a Shakespeare quote: “What’s in a name? A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” So it doesn’t make any difference what name you use, it is the same God. And this God created all things, including each of us, all the people of the world. And, if this is true, and I do believe this to be true, then this creator has made all of us and we are all his children.
Therefore we are all sisters and brothers in this world, and we are all family members. And, as family members, we are to take care of each other, and help each other through the troubling times, during our time on this earth. Since we are all related, when we get together as members of different religions or denominations, the first thing that we should be talking about is what we have in common, the fact that we believe in the same, one, God. After that, nothing else is really as important.
We are all united in what is the most important statement that we can make: “We are all united under the same God. We CAN get along.” We can not only, get along, but together, we are able to accomplish great things.
Together, our diversity makes us stronger.
Together, we are a powerful force for good, and together we will fulfill God’s will in our community.
Good evening!
I’m David Mccumber, editor and general manager of The Montana Standard.
Most people think that the news business thrives on disharmony. After all, conflict is by definition news, so isn’t harmony bad for business?
I would say that today, harmony, not disharmony, is news. And economic harmony is in a sense the biggest news of all.
The naysayers are everywhere. Newspapers are dying, have you heard? And Butte is dying, have you heard?
Both narratives are wrong and economic harmony is a big part of the reason why. Because working together,we can create our own narrative.
What does economic harmony mean?
First of all, this is Butte, America. And from the earliest days of commerce in this town, we have learned to depend on each other, to hold each other up. One hand washes the other and nowhere is that more true than in a town of immigrants.
This is a town where enterprise and a willingness to work hard has produced four and five generation families, bound fast to this place. They are descended from people who worked together to conquer the hard weather and the hard rock, and today they bring the same work ethic to today’s economic challenges and also welcome relative newcomers like me just as their forebears were welcomed .
Economic harmony today means shopping local, not Amazon. Supporting our local businesses, and making more of them. That means supporting our Chamber of Commerce. It means supporting the efforts of the Butte Local Development Corporation. It means supporting our public and private schools, and supporting Montana Tech, which I would argue has created as much prosperity here over the last
119 years as any copper king did.
And perhaps most importantly economic harmony means supporting the less fortunate among us, supporting the United Way and following the lead of institutions like the Town Pump and the Dennis and Phyllis Washington Foundation, who have found it within their core values to answer that call and be there for those among us who need a helping hand.
It’s an honor to be here tonight, and to be in Butte every day. Thank you.
Hello, I am Kareniesa Kohn from the B-SB C.E.O.’s office,
and I am here to read John Morgan’s Statement.
Hello everyone,
I am sorry that I am unable to be in attendance this evening on this day of Harmony, as I am currently at the Council of Commissioners meeting.
I, John Morgan, the (2019) Chairman of The Butte Silver Bow Council of Commissioners stand up for Harmony in our Community.
During these trying times in our political environment, I want to encourage all of you be a participant in the government.
Many times it gets said that the Government, be it local, state or federal does not care what you think. This can’t be farther from the truth. · Please reach out to any of your elected officials and give your input. Remember the government is YOUR Government.
If we continue WORKING TOGETHER in Harmony, working as one, we will move our Government forward.
In closing, I want to thank all Emergency Responders
for what they do and what they have done;
God Bless the Citizens of Butte Silver-Bow
God Bless the United States of America.
My name is James Bartee. I am a member of the Bahá’í community in Butte. We stand up for harmony in our community. From our Sacred Writings, I offer the following prayer for humanity to close our commemoration and gathering.
O Thou kind Lord! O Thou Who art generous and merciful! We are servants of Thy threshold and are gathered beneath the sheltering shadow of Thy divine unity. The sun of Thy mercy is shining upon all, and the clouds of Thy bounty shower upon all. Thy gifts encompass all, Thy loving providence sustains all, Thy protection overshadows all, and the glances of Thy favor are cast upon all.
O Lord! Grant Thine infinite bestowals, and let the light of Thy guidance shine. Illumine the eyes, gladden the hearts with abiding joy. Confer a new spirit upon all people and bestow upon them eternal life. Unlock the gates of true understanding and let the light of faith shine resplendent.
Gather all people beneath the shadow of Thy bounty and cause them to unite in harmony, so that they may become as the rays of one sun, as the waves of one ocean, and as the fruit of one tree. May they drink from the same fountain. May they be refreshed by the same breeze. May they receive illumination from the same source of light. Thou art the Giver, the Merciful, the Omnipotent.
Interactive Dramatic Harmony
In previous posts we have shared the comments of various leaders in our community who are willing to;
Stand-up for Harmony In Our Community.
We ask now; please join your fellow community members in standing up for Harmony In Our Community.”
Personal Harmony – If you are a Personal member of our community (an individual, a person) are you willing to stand up for Harmony In Our Community?
Familial Harmony – If you are a Familial member of our community (a family member) are you willing to stand up for Harmony In Our Community?
Communal Harmony – If you are a Communal member of our community (a member doing something with other people in our community in a Social/Service club or organization) are you willing to stand up for Harmony In Our Community?
Educational Harmony – If you are an Educational member of our community (teacher, instructor or administrator) are you willing to stand up for Harmony In Our Community?
Spiritual Harmony – If you are a Spiritual member of our community (minister, preacher, layperson) are you willing to stand up for Harmony In Our Community?
Economical Harmony – If you are an Economical member of our community (an employer, an employee, self-employed or a customer) are you willing to stand up for Harmony In Our Community?
Governmental Harmony – If you are a Governmental member of our community (elected, appointed or employed by the government) are you willing to stand up for Harmony In Our Community?
Community Harmony – If you are a member of our community are you willing to stand up for Harmony In Our Community?
What are you willing to do to encourage and foster Harmon In Our Community?